A jargon-free handbook for lawyers, judges, insurance claims managers and their representatives

Some of you might be interested in the handbook, Practical Guide to Comparative Advertising: Dare to Compare, by Ruth M. Corbin et al. 1st edition 2018. (Ref. 1)  I haven’t read the book but mention it because Ruth Corbin writes well and jargon-free

I know this because I’ve read some of her work that is more closely related to my forensic engineering practice. (Refs 2, 3)  In addition, this is a handbook and they’re always nice to have on the shelf.  I also met and heard Ruth speak and present at the Expert Witness Forum East in Toronto last year.

Comparative advertising can be defined as a marketing strategy in which a company’s product or service is presented as superior when compared to a competitors. (Ref. 4)

Google the title and carefully read Ruth’s description of the contents and the handbook’s key features and her opinion of the readership.  You’re certain to be covered in the latter.  If I were one of you – a civil litigation lawyer, a judge, an insurance claims manager, an adjuster, a representative – and not a forensic engineer, I would take a good look at this handbook

Why am I mentioning this book?  Because I like to see good writers get published.  Also because the book does relate to the practice of some of you.  It’s by an author who I know writes well and, in addition, it’s a handbook – they’re always easy to understand.  Finally, I’m certain Ruth would associate with co-authors who are equally clear writers.

  1. Practical Guide to Comparative Advertising: Dare to Compare, by Ruth M. Corbin et al. 1st edition 2018.
  2. Corbin, Ruth M., Chair, Corbin Partners Inc. and Adjunct Professor, Osgoode Hall School, Toronto, Breaking the Expert Evidence Logjam: Experts Weigh In, presented at Expert Witness Forum East, Toronto, February, 2018 (Google it)
  3. Corbin, Ruth M., The Hot-tub Alternative to Adversarial Expert Evidence, The Advocates Journal, Spring, 2014 (Dr. Corbin is Chair, Corbin Partners Inc., Ontario)
  4. Investopedia March 19, 2019, 10.38 am.  See also Wikipedia
  1. “Hot-tubbing” experts reduce cost of civil litigation and ensure objectivity  Posted March 31, 2018
  2. How experts are helping break the expert witness logjam.  Posted April 30, 2018
  3. How you can help break the expert witness logjam.  Posted May 4, 2018




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